Strict Search - With a strict search, decisions are returned based on an exact match for the individual keywords you enter.
Loose Search - With a loose search, decisions are returned based on a loose or partial match for the individual keywords you enter. For example, a search for the word "wall" would return results that contained the words wall, walls, drywall, etc.
Keywords - You can search our database of Service NL decisions by entering keywords in the search box.
Exclude Keywords - To exclude decisions with certain keywords from your search you can put a minus sign in front of the word. For example, to exclude decisions with the word dog, enter the following in the search box:
Phrases - To search for specific phrases please include the terms in quotes, "like this".
Exclude Phrases - To exclude decisions with certain phrases from your search, enclose the phrase in quotes and put a minus sign in front of it. For example, to exclude decisions with the the phrase "dog house", enter the following in the search box:
-"dog house"
Filters - Click on the "Show Filters" link to display additional options, such as Application Type and Issues Decided, that allow you to make your search more specific.
Combining Options - All of the options above can be combined to refine your search results. For example, you can search for keywords and phrases in the same query, while using keyword exclusions and filters to further refine your results.